Havencon, if you’re not following them, is running an early fundraiser on Indiegogo. More information here, but definitely consider donating. Havencon is a local GLBTQ# gaming and fantasy community convention running 4/28/16-4/30/16. It’s very furry friendly!
Currently AustinFurs has two panels (the daytime furry meetup and the adult furry meetup). We’ll see how those go–fast, silly, informal, and loud, I hope!
But here’s another idea: reserve a deluxe vendor space, 10×20, and make it a flexible space, kind of a freeform panel space, art space, micro-vendor space, etc, to show off the huge range of what the austin furry fandom has to offer. It’d take some scheduling and logistics to pull off, but could be a fun opportunity and a chance for artists and vendors who don’t have the full money for vendorspace to at least show off for a bit.
Have talent? Arts and crafts? Local furry mini-group? Strong need to sit down at a table and discuss a thing? Let’s talk! Monday night, November 14, Hana World Market Food Court near Parmer and Metric, 6:30 until they kick us out!
We’ve also opened up a telegram channel to discuss things, and keep it open to coordinate for the two furry meetups and scheduling for the AustinFurs/Havencon lintspace…if it’s a go!
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