Here’s some of the projects we’d like to work on for the austinfurs website:
? Event calendar: An upcoming-events link for large open events. This won’t have ALL the little meet-ups in Austin (no movie nights, pub nights, pokemon crawls, hiking trips, etc.) But big barbeques, Eeyore’s Birthday, that sort of thing for sure!
? Artist listings: A listing of local artists with a few pieces of sample art and how to find their commission information.
? Classifieds: “Looking for roommates,” “job-seeking/job-offers,” “buy/sell” style classifieds for local furs. Right now I don’t think “personal ads” are going to be there, but with a little work we can probably link to a tag on “Pounced.”
? Previous Events and Community Photos: A gallery of Youtubes and photos from previous events. Finally! 🙂